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Barley is a cereal grain with a chewy texture and mild, nutty flavor. It’s the seed of a type of grass that grows in temperate climates throughout the world and one of the first grains to have farmed by ancient civilizations food.

Hulled barley is considered a whole grain. As only the inedible outer shell has removed during processing สมัคร ufabet

However, the more commonly available pearled barley is not a whole grain because the fiber-containing bran has removed.

Though pearled barley is still a good source of some nutrients, hulled is the healthier option.

A diet high in whole grains has been linked to a lower risk of chronic diseases.

In a large study in over 360,000 people, those with the highest consumption of whole grains. Such as barley, had a 17% lower risk of death from all causes. Including cancer and diabetes, compared to those with the lowest whole-grain intake.

Other studies have shown that eating whole grains may reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity.

The benefits of whole-grain may stem from not only its fiber content but also its phytonutrients. Which are plant compounds with beneficial effects on health.

Eating whole grains, such as hulled barley, has been linked to a decreased risk of chronic diseases and death. Contains fiber and other plant chemicals that are beneficial for health.